We inspire - You decide

As Travel Consultants we put you in the center of all our planning. No travel inspiration is like the other. No packages, no mass tourism, no well trodden path.

Together we find out about your true bucket list. Beyond the obvious childhood dreams we go below the surface and find out what it is you are truly yearning for, the experience without which your life wouldn't be complete. 

As consultants who have travelled to places few people on this planet have even heard of, we will expand your horizon. Our consultation will inspire in you a new awe about hidden wonders of our planet. We will not rest in our consultation process until together with you we have designed a journey you didn't even think of.

Should you want to include well know places that are a must for you, you can be sure that before or after you go there, we give you the experience of a lifetime.

"Find gigantic Figtrees full of thousands of harmless fruit eating bats on an island inside a bay belonging to an island unknown to even the most seasoned travelers. Catch millenium old ice for your Whiskey in a fjord of a mountain range usually invisible to the few visitors per year. Walk with donkeys to indigenous villages under a chain of exctinct volcanoes to an alcaline lake. Fly with a helicopter to a remote island with completely an unknown and completely virgin underwater world only accessible to the handful of guests on this island. Walk with skis onto a giant icefield that fewer than hundred people have visited or even seen within the last hundred years as you cannot access it with planes, drive by or explore it by boat."